Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Final Fantasy VI


Hi guys! I'm back with new review about games, and this time lets review about Final Fantasy VI!

Final Fantasy VI having major changed from the late Final Fantasy. The story of course getting matured and lot tragic than before.

The story following the mysterious girl that fighting some resistance army and assist the emperial army to investigate mysteries caves, The girls shown to be controlled and have no emotion. After they found what the search for, the army that accompany the girl surprised by the fact the item it's an "esper". And suddenly the esper react with the girl and explode the entire terrain. Following the event the girl wake and apparently the only thing she remembered only her name "Terra" and after that the prince of figaro and the others hir allies help the mysterious girl to end the cruel wars. Since the girl surprisingly can used "magic" while magic supposed to no longer exist no more, with the many unique thing in terra herself she decided to join prince of figaro to end the wars. 

The story involved on Terra the protagonist, and sometimes it's added by other character story too, the reason why they join and all. Unlike the last Final Fantasy games, in Final Fantasy VI there is some character that need some criteria to be able to recruit. Unlike the last Final Fantasy where all the character will eventually join you, in Final Fantasy VI some character not will join you until you do the side quest to obtain them. And for you information that's Final Fantasy VI have the most recruit-able character among the Final Fantasy series.

The game skill system also having major changed here, in the last Final Fantasy games the skill either default or by buying them in the skill shop. In Final Fantasy VI some character have their own skill but the "esper" teaching system gives you some new skill for the character. Each esper have special skill that they bring, like thundara, or blizzard. By makes your character equip certain esper along the way after they got enough skill point the esper will give them skill from the skill that carried by the esper them self, however, each esper doesn't have unlimited skill set, means they can't give all your character thundara skill, majorly the esper only carried 3 times teaching skill. By that means, only 3 of your character that can learn the skill, so you can't have all charcter learn firaga. 

Generally Final Fantasy VI having major evolve, there is included with the characters. The skill system like in Final Fantasy IV bring back again, means each character have their own speciality which bring a lot of joy and excitement. Each character have their own story so, you can learn their background and why they fight along side with you. Not all character have similar reason and surprisingly some of them actually knowing each others. In last Final Fantasy games some of character either already know each other because childhood friends or they got same reason why they fight along side you. In Final Fantasy VI some character can be completely stranger and some of them actually traitor from imperial itself. Some even required payment. 

-each character have their own special ability that can be develop along the way
-some secret character Kupo~~
-esper hunting just so fun
-each character have serious back ground this is break through for Final Fantasy series

-the esper skill to teach not least infinite, so chose wisely people
- the graphic suddenly becomes so melancholy 
- have the most annoying antagonist ever

Overall : 8

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