Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

Final Fantasy II

      Today lets talk about Final Fantasy II! As you already know this games already part of final fantasy series, and for your information the stories there is nothing to do with final fantasy I. There is in fact nothing related with final fantasy I even its about the story and the characters.

The game basically about the same with final fantasy I, but of course with some of improvement and changed with games system. I will not talking about basic anymore because, come on, it's about the same with FFI haha.

But lets talk about story first. The story following by 4 vilager teenagers that found out their village just got attack by the emperor army, unfortunately they are not strong enough and defeated by them. The protagonist wake up in the resistance base and found out that two of his friends also found by the resistance army as well, Unfortunately the last one of his friends went missing. They begin their journey by helping the resistance to fight the emperor and they will got accompany by forth character that will changed as the story progressed.

The games it's almost the same with the first game, however, here you won't find your character leveling up. Yeah, and how that supposed to works? Well, they not actually leveling up, but you can strengthen them up by fight the enemies or using magic and various equipment. Instead of having your character leveling up from 1 to 2, in FFII your character will be development in really specific ways. Like if you keep using sword or another offensive armor, your STR (strength the power of efensive) will be increased, and if you keep using magic your MND will be increasing and makes your magic stronger. Also talking about magic, your magic will be leveling up by keep using them up, you won't find any shop that sell Ice II, instead your magic will becomes stronger by keep using them, the only downfall in this system are; since one character only able to carry some of magic and not all magic in the game, the magic that keep stronger will cost pretty MP and you can't use low level magic anymore (ex: if your fire reach level 5 you can't use fire 3, the only way is; to put new spell fire and make it grow it to 3) so here, you need very cheerful about using a magic.

This is the video to give you some sample how Final Fantasy 2 game play:

And about costumize your characters, this games have advance system, there is no job, instead you made your specific character into specific job you want, by equip them with armor your desired and act as the job you want it to be. Short story, any character can equip any weapon and armor also magics, neat? Yeah it could be neat, but the leveling up system quite suck and requires 3 times harder than normal leveling up.

Same like the first game, FFII has been made the remake version in the same platform that I mention about FFI. They made it in IOS, PSP, and GBA. In my opinion, you can choose any you want to play it, I believed there is not much changed in FFII but they are still quite neat to play. But I suggest pick in IOS version. 

So try them out guys :).

-full customized more advance and wider than FF1 
-the conversation methods pretty good and well made
-an apreance of guest characters
-complex of the story very nice, and matured content 

-seriously you can't tell when you can fight the boss, since you don't have any marking (cough* level)
-instead leveling up your strength maybe you leveling your defense, totally not accurate 

Overall : 8


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