Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Game review!


The name is Jausha Bakkas! I'm kind of loner who like to sit around in the corner and being picked everyday (nah~ I'm kidding I'm average type of guy hahaha!).

Been playing quite long times now, and I'm playing many kind of games too. Since game industries keep growing and demand from people about game keeping up, I'm somehow moved to give you all the reader my opinion about games that I've been playing :). Since I'm actually majoring in game design so, I'm quite fond with this kind of stuff (games Is my life!).

Please be aware that English is not my mother languages, but I want to used English anyways hahaha. And all the games review will be based on my point of view so if something you don't liked it, you free to comment as long as you know what you talking about.

So, let us begin!

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