Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Final Fantasy VIII

Hello! I feel like I'm on the roll so I decided to write another FF review hahahaha!

Final Fantasy VIII are the next installation from the mother ship series of final fantasy series, after the success they had in Final Fantasy VII, they decided created another series that will blown the game industries (which they did, btw). 

Final Fantasy VIII synopsis, focusing in the young cadet from military school name Squall Leonheart (I loved his name). 
Ballamb garden known as military school for young cadet to battle of the crisis of the world war and to battle the treat from the witch that will conquer the world.
Lived a young cadet with less words, known as lone wolf and act individual. 
Until he meet the girls name Rinoa and and forced to face with his past that reveal about his connections and the end of the world. 

If you think Cloud is a lone wolf kind of man, well Squall is next level of him, if Cloud in the end open up and the reason he is facing his battle alone because of he is care for the peoples around him. Squall not necessarily not caring with peoples around him, but he is more like received or believed that his power comes from solitude. he is typical man that strong with hearts as man in general.

if you ask me my based of the story, well in my opinion; beside about the end of the world, probably the first Final Fantasy series that more focusing in romance (well maybe that the reason of the FF symbol are two person hugging lovingly), I mean, you can really feels the romance as soon as Squall meet the heroin, Rinoa. all in all, I loved the games it self based with the power of love, Its very romantic adventure journey in my opinion. 

the battle system, not having lot of changed, and the limit break chary along to the this installation. the battle particulary using ATB, but you no longer require any MP to cast skill or magic, they kind of "created".
the magic obtain by collecting enough material and fused them or synthesis them together and viola! you have the skill/ability or magic you want. therefore, there is no more restriction of MP when you want to cast magic, but yeah, you kind of back to Final Fantasy III system, because you using number how much you can cast them. 

every enemies in the Final Fantasy VIII have unlimited stock of the selective magic or others skill, so you can using the skill called "draw", and chose to cast it right away or just collect it till its really needed. honestly it could be quite tiresome, but hey its RPG hahahahaha. the good side is, unconsciously while collecting material or magic you want, you actually grinding money and level, well for me its win to win solution.

there is something very distinct in the Esper or summon system in the Final Fantasy VIII, there is Guardian Force (GF) and junction system. 

every Esper in the Final Fantasy VIII, chary their own skill that can teach the specific character who have pact with them a skill. this is indeed chary on from Final Fantasy VI, where each Esper have some limited times to teach, but in Final Fantasy VIII, they are kind of unlimited, however, the skill only available when your character have the pact with the current Esper. 
therefore, one Esper only able to have pact with one character, but the character can be changed anytime. the basic understanding is one Esper can't made a pact with more than one character in "one time", but you allowed to changed betwen character. the way you used them in battle its quite different from the past FF series, you not simply called them, but you have times to do so, once you called the Esper, they require some times to come, and your HP covered with their HP instead. while you calling the Esper there is a chance you got attacked, therefore, your Esper will took the damaged for you. since they have just some amount of HP, you have to watch their HP. once they are meet 0 in battle, you need recover them first before you can called them again. 

I loved the Esper system, is very out of the box and ground breaking (during that times). its nice that you can customize the Esper to that extend, and you can level them up, what not.

in Final Fantasy VIII, the limit break system are more like desperation attack, if one reach one certain low HP point, the option of using Limit break will available. each Limit break will grow stronger and can be used anytime, unlike FF VII where you need to changed it, in Final Fantasy VIII, you basically can chose them during the use.  

while in one battle the character remain in certain HP requirement, the Limit break of that certain character can keep used. so, there is not limit use.

all in all I would love to say that the game is pretty good, well done I could say, despite what peoples said out there about this series is shit. but for me, its really enjoyable (trust me, if you can't enjoy this game, I actually feel you weird) and this game not even half bad, trust me I have seen one who deserved to have bad score instead hahaha.

the story really matured in my opinion, I felt like I played a novel story which ported to games. its very romance based. its have some flaw of course, but hey, its kind of covered up with the game play instead. this series available in PC too, if you liked either you played it in PSX or played it steam, whichever you liked.


Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Final Fantasy VII

Hi guys!! haha I know Its been way~~~ to long, Can't blame me though. Kind of busy with school and others stuff :?

but hey! I'm back!

Final Fantasy VII, as rumored said this is the masterpiece of squaresoft (enix) for entire live time. whether its true or not, who knows, peoples have different taste. 

for my own self opinion, it wasn't the best. but doesn't meaning it is bad, just your ordinary Final Fantasy series living up their predecessors. 
A companies that manufacture energy straight from the earth (Gaia) as known as Shinra, been working for such long times converting this energy into daily fuel. this is becomes big concern knowing the companies actually made the earth rooting. This is the reason the rebel army Avalanche fight back and tried to destroy them.
the story following the rebel member and the ex-shinra army, Cloud strife. at the beginning of the story, Cloud somehow seen very arrogant and seems like man with few words. showing less interest in the mission and somehow distant with the fellow rebel member, by the story progress, Cloud becomes more understanding and warming up towards others. 
however, what will happen and what waiting for him far greater than that. the past and the memories that reside inside his heart will determine the fate of the worlds.

Final Fantasy VII is the first installment from the series that build in 3d graphic. it was great consider the times released. 
 the story is pretty impressive, perhaps this is the very first the introduce that "the real dead" or "once peoples gone, their memories aren't" kind of stuff. pretty devastating I could say, considered dead and life pretty much taboo thing, let alone in games, when do not often talk about it in the real live. 

but I could say they are made great decision, their showed that this kind of story not that cheap story where you can find in any articles. its deep and full of life lesson. which bring the next generation of Final fantasy matured and matured along the ways. 

 the game play pretty much the same like the predecessor, there still lot of random encounter, like your typical RPG, except, now they are representation the game with the 3d graphic.


 The game introduce the new game system, little bit adapted from the FF 6, the teaching system, here they introduced as with materia system, which materia are basically the skill like magic and stuff. every character only able to equip some amount of materia, this is depend on their materia slot, which is their weapon. 
each weapon have some specific slot of materia that you can equip, so, don't be greedy there.

each of skill can be leveled up, therefore it gives you the new skill or boost to your character, the often you used, the stronger it becomes and the more wide of array the skill that you can use.

also, in this installment, they introduced the limit break system, where each character can unleash their true power once the bar full, in every battle you can keep used it as long you managed to make the limit break bar full. 
limit break almost the same like materia, it can be level up and and managed. every character have different limit break for themself, means each character have more than one limit breaks, and each character is unique, means, they can't use others character limit break.  

Final Fantasy 7 known as the most wide franchise its has a movie, prologue game, prologue of prologue game (I ain't kidding),  games, and some cross game from the main game.

the most notable film is the Final Fantasy VII: Advent childern, it was great in my opinion, but not my taste :/

the prologue of the prologue game is Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Have I played this? Hell yeah, I have. However, for "NPC friends" freak person like me, its kinda big no for me. however, let me give you my fair review. Crisis Core made for PSP.

the story took way back around 7 years before the main games happen (not that long, I know right). basically the story resolve around the reason of rebellion of shepiroth, and giving the further explanation to the main protagonist of the main series which is Cloud.

the story focus on the soldier named Zack, he is took pride of his job, and admiring sepiroth and treat him like a role models. until the secret of shinra and all things around him revealed one by one, Zack forced to make tough decision, not only for him, but for the "legacy".

there is no field session or at least not that much, the games more like quest taking like any others PSP games. so all you can do in the main section probably getting ready or customized your character, or synthesis your materia.

the game play pretty much active phase, I felt like ATB system not even exist hahaha, but yeah they are still exist. there are some button that active during battle, there are for attacking, defending, and using materia or item.
the phase pretty much quick, you don't have to wait, just beat down enemy around your sight.

there is module system here, like jackpot games, except this thing active during battle and if you hit some kind of jackpot, for example: got ifrit face icon in the three slot you can summon him and aid you during battle, or perhaps you got all numbers same, you can have random bonus boost during battle.

overall I loved the game play and simplicity, its very engaging. perhaps in my case, the downfall are the protagonist is alone, which not what I'm fancy about. but for you guys who liked engaging story and used to hack and slash game, give it try.

and the prologue game is Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis
how is the game play? I have no idea, this game is out back in 2005-2007 something, and it was played in exclusive Java phone in japan (I know right, only if its can be worked outside japan :?)

the story basically surrounding around the turk, private soldier from shinra companies, and the event took way before the meteor happen. but my friends have played this in the past, she said it was good during that times, it was a phone game, so yeah, not really outstanding she said. but still enjoyable.

the epilogue games is Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus

the dirge of Cerberus is more like shooting game of final fantasy.
the story focusing on the ex party member, Vincent Valentine. the story not directly continues from Final Fantasy VII, but sure gives you some explanation about what is happening in main series. 
the stories more focusing on the dark organization of shinra, also known as shinra last darkest secret (shit man, this companies have to many problem, I'm out even for the first day, ain't nobody have times for that).

the games work just like any shooting games work,but with some material from FF of course, magic and stuff definitely there, but you more focusing in shooting.

the games will put you in classic "save civilian" shooting games (be ready to be frustrated).

where during your mission there some objective to be meet before the mission can be declared as accomplished

I never actually played this games, but my friends, despite being girl, saying that this is very nice games, even though the character tend very heavy when you controlled it, but somehow if you get used with the delay of the body movement its easy to read enemies too, she said.

all in all, anybody who wants to try it, free to enjoyed it, Ps. its on PS2

after all the Final Fantasy VII seems have the most attention among the others series, I don't know why, they even created Ios game that based on original mini games from the main series which is the G-bike.
I mean nobody ask for it though, but okay. hahahaha

the games basically just how the original works in the past, but with better graphic, better system and better everything.

I never download it though, but I heard from my friends which still in Singapore, he said its kind of games where you played it basically just when you are bored.
but for you who like or perhaps Final Fantasy Hardcore fans, you can go and download it its pretty good games from the trailer

what I'm actually can't wait is the remake, which will be on the PS4 or Xbox One. I just can't believed this peoples tried to rob me that much, I mean come on, there so many nice games comes out you can't do that to me hahahahaha.

moreover they used the same graphic as the latest build FF series, and its freaking beautiful.

all in all the overall the games and the series is very well done, I highly recommended it and please do enjoy it because I did.

Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Final Fantasy VI


Hi guys! I'm back with new review about games, and this time lets review about Final Fantasy VI!

Final Fantasy VI having major changed from the late Final Fantasy. The story of course getting matured and lot tragic than before.

The story following the mysterious girl that fighting some resistance army and assist the emperial army to investigate mysteries caves, The girls shown to be controlled and have no emotion. After they found what the search for, the army that accompany the girl surprised by the fact the item it's an "esper". And suddenly the esper react with the girl and explode the entire terrain. Following the event the girl wake and apparently the only thing she remembered only her name "Terra" and after that the prince of figaro and the others hir allies help the mysterious girl to end the cruel wars. Since the girl surprisingly can used "magic" while magic supposed to no longer exist no more, with the many unique thing in terra herself she decided to join prince of figaro to end the wars. 

The story involved on Terra the protagonist, and sometimes it's added by other character story too, the reason why they join and all. Unlike the last Final Fantasy games, in Final Fantasy VI there is some character that need some criteria to be able to recruit. Unlike the last Final Fantasy where all the character will eventually join you, in Final Fantasy VI some character not will join you until you do the side quest to obtain them. And for you information that's Final Fantasy VI have the most recruit-able character among the Final Fantasy series.

The game skill system also having major changed here, in the last Final Fantasy games the skill either default or by buying them in the skill shop. In Final Fantasy VI some character have their own skill but the "esper" teaching system gives you some new skill for the character. Each esper have special skill that they bring, like thundara, or blizzard. By makes your character equip certain esper along the way after they got enough skill point the esper will give them skill from the skill that carried by the esper them self, however, each esper doesn't have unlimited skill set, means they can't give all your character thundara skill, majorly the esper only carried 3 times teaching skill. By that means, only 3 of your character that can learn the skill, so you can't have all charcter learn firaga. 

Generally Final Fantasy VI having major evolve, there is included with the characters. The skill system like in Final Fantasy IV bring back again, means each character have their own speciality which bring a lot of joy and excitement. Each character have their own story so, you can learn their background and why they fight along side with you. Not all character have similar reason and surprisingly some of them actually knowing each others. In last Final Fantasy games some of character either already know each other because childhood friends or they got same reason why they fight along side you. In Final Fantasy VI some character can be completely stranger and some of them actually traitor from imperial itself. Some even required payment. 

-each character have their own special ability that can be develop along the way
-some secret character Kupo~~
-esper hunting just so fun
-each character have serious back ground this is break through for Final Fantasy series

-the esper skill to teach not least infinite, so chose wisely people
- the graphic suddenly becomes so melancholy 
- have the most annoying antagonist ever

Overall : 8

Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Final Fantasy V

Hi guys, I'm back with new game review, this times I'm gonna review about Final Fantasy V or 5.

Final Fantasy 5 are next franchise of Final Fantasy series, the themed about saving the world still same, but the game system what makes you love this game, and story getting matured every times the new one comes.

Final Fantasy V focus on the story of 4 stranger that in the end working together and knowing each other better along their journey, focusing on the strange event and some dark organization that trying to destroying crystal in order resurrect the darkness into the world. The story following bratz the lone adventure with his chocobo, when suddenly bratz get hit by meteor there he meet an old man and the princess in Journey searching her missing father. Along with strange pirate that help him cross windless sea, the forth of them about to begin journey that open their past and the answer of their own existence. 

In Final Fantasy V the job or class system come back to introduce in the game. And some other new class made an apreance here. Also in Final Fantasy V they introduce you with sub skill/ability system where each character can have sub skill from another job, example; if you are white Mage you can still using black magic using sub skill. However, sub skill itself need certain condition in Oder to be able to put in your character. Each job need to meet certain level and each times it's meet represent level you gain a skill from certain job, example; black Mage can give you black magic and half mp skill if its level high enough. 

In Final Fantasy V with sub skill system, you can mixed the skill and make your character meet your ideal. Since in Final Fantasy V they really focusing in job system, it seems a lot of job proved to be useful comparing with Final Fantasy III.


Even though the job system are appealing and lot more fun to experiment with, to gain certain ability from certain job could be really ordeal. In Final Fantasy V it's very hard to gain exp so you will need to temper your patience and defeated many enemy until you can level up, money not really problem since in the end in order to gain level you need kill bunch of enemies anyways. But it could be pure torture but for people that used to rpg then it would be no problem I supposed.

-full customized more advance and wider than the last series
- the job and sub skill just perfect 
-complex of the story very nice, and matured content 

-the exp hunting it's torture 
-Job won't easy to level up

Overall : 8

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Final Fantasy IV

Hey guys, I'm back with another Final Fantasy series, this time I'm gonna review about Final Fantasy 4. While Final Fantasy series keep come and come, Final Fantasy 4 comes with more tragic stories among the series, at least so far. 

You playing as Cecil, the dark knight from baron kingdom, leader from red wing division. The baron king just give Cecil order to collect all crystal from another kingdom, however, Cecil himself not fancy the idea and began questioning the king. In the end Cecil realize the destruction motives behind the order and began opposing the king, resulting himself to betraying his own kingdom. 
Despited being labeled traitor and killer due to his past as dark knight, Cecil try to find a way to atone his sin by stop the baron kingdom before they destroying entire wolrd. He began to searching help from another kingdom, and warn them what baron kingdom aim for. Therefore, seeing his will to atone the others start seeing light inside Cecil and join his side to stop baron. 

In the original version, Final Fantasy 4 have very active game play, in this version of Final Fantasy they introduce ATB or Active Time Battle, then what ATB for? Well basically make your game lot actives, instead controlling entire party command and leave it so you can see your party work in the same turn. In ATB system, the Speed playing big part here, you will see gauge bar beside your character health and magic power, when it's full your character can take a command from you, depend on the command the character either will execute it right away like Attack command or waiting for another gauge to full like Magic or Skill. Thus, this system make you controlling the character instead of party, the quicker the character the often and much they can take a command from you. However, as it said actives, you can't take a long times to think what to do since it's actives your enemy can still kick your ass while you thinking what you want to do. Therefore, you should get used to take a quick decision in order to win. 
Not bad as it sound, in the option they provided you with Actives and Wait battle. Means, if you chose wait, the times will stop every time your character want to take a command, so you particularly can takes time to decided what to do with the current character, and when you done the game will continue again. You might need to keep this in mind that even though it's waiting mode if your enemy already decided what to do or done with command, they will attack you anyways also the same goes for you. 

This is to give you picture how Final Fantasy 4 game play:

As for the other system, in this version they introduce you with special skill and ability each character have, this also effect your decision to select a party member in the future. Since each character have their own speciality the result of battle will affect too, maybe with certain character you will get easy win or perhaps some other just bring difficulty.

Unlike Final Fantasy 3, Final Fantasy 4 doesn't have job system. As I meantion that each character have their own skill and speciality. So, don't think about changed someone skill and ability, because it fixed for each character. 

Final Fantasy 4 not only have remake version but the have sequel story in the remake version. Original the remake version made for Nintendo Ds, this remake doesn't comes with sequel, perhaps that Times Square Enix doesn't think that they want to take Final Fantasy 4 that far. However, in Nintendo Ds the Final Fantasy 4 having big or major renovation, not only all character made in 3D version, but you will get side quest from Namingway and there will be ability and skill system that you can add to the certain character, the example: like auto-potion and etc. also here Rydia have personal Summon where the Aeon/eidolon can be modified and add some skill, the more you train it the more stronger it will becomes. Some changes also comes in this version, like you won't find Cecil darkness ability hurt all enemies, instead it's becomes dark flames where each times your attack it will decreased your health point but it will boost your attack. 

There also game boy advance and PS 1 version, however, I think I should meantion it before the remake in DS since in this version it's original version. You won't find anything that I write above in this version. My bad :P

There is IOS version which not changed or diferent form Ds version, what diffrent that you just touching instead of push a button in the this version. Also the sequel comes in IOS version just in separated apps, means you need to buy it separately in order to play the sequel.

Also there is PSP version, they have many similarity with Ds and IOS version, only the graphic made from 2D instead of 3D, I don't think Rydia have the summon system here. However, they have "the interlude" and "the after years" story. Make the PSP version the completed version among the IOS and Nintendo Ds version. The interlude consist story just after Final Fantasy 4 and before the sequel, so you can deeply understand whats going on in sequel. The after years is the sequel after what happen in the Final Fantasy 4 event.

In the after years, they introduce you with moon system. Moon system will effect your command system, there is black moon and light moon, if the moon is black then magic will be work very well and deal heavy damaged however, the attack command will less efecient and deal less damaged. If the moon is light then attack will deal heavy damaged but it's opposites with magic command. Also there is scenario mode in the after years, means you can play as diferent character with diferent story line, they will crossing path In the story some might join your party. 

This is the sample how Final Fantasy 4 after years game play:

The system just like chaos ring or saga series if you have heard about them, so basically you can learn what each character has been trough. Also some character from Final Fantasy 4 will made apreance along with new one, some are playable in the scenario mode. And for extra there is combination command where some character that have bond can perfom special attack or skill, example Cecil and Rosa can perform Ultima, so try to play it and discover each character relationship to perform even stronger skill and ability, remind me with suikoden. 

The after years take the event after Final Fantasy 4 and you played as Cecil son, Ceodor. Ceodor are traine in red wing devision and under a hard and harsh training from his superior when suddenly red wing attacked by unknown forces and shoot down, only Ceodor the sole survivor. With brave heart and company from his and his parent friends along the way, Ceodor made his way back to his kingdom to search the answer of this uneasy feeling. The series of unfortunates event not only befall Ceodor, but entire world feel the strong and unknown force that want to harm the entire the wolrd once again. 

The gameplay are great, but nothing changed from how Final Fantasy 4 work, so there is not much to learn instead of the new system, so everything should be fine. Oh, I forgot to tell that in PSP version they have wallpaper themed, means you can changed the wallpaper at your menu screen, very neat.

-full customized more advance and wider than the last series
-there is lot character can be chosen later on, I can say that Final Fantasy 4 the second of the series that have many playable character. The first probably the Final Fantasy 6
- that summon system just adorable 
-complex of the story very nice, and matured content 
-the graphic is good it has chibi taste but still looks very cool

-at the begining of stories the character will join and leave constantly, it's hard to keep up with the changes sometimes
-Namingway side quest can be freaking hard
-the ability add up only last once, chose wisely people

Overall : 9